Motivation To Drive For Dollars

Motivation To Drive For Dollars

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With all due respect, please forgive me in advance as to how personal this is going to get for a second.

My motivation to drive for dollars changed in 2021 to now going into 2022.
It was affected by the outcome incoming details of my father’s untimely death.
I later learned in September 2021 that my stepmother murdered my father.

My stepmother legitimately strategically sorted out on how to get away with such a crime and legally has not faced the charges of her actions. With that my stepmother took the time my family lost to fight back depleting the time we could have had to work as a unit to honor my dad and sustain our daily lives respectfully as a family.

So with putting my thoughts into this in a constructive productive way to sort this out. I have chosen to undergo in a method that will benefit as an investment and as away to still fight for my father. And this focus concentrates on the factor of Driving for Dollars.
The story of what happened to my father motivates me to get out there and begin this process of healing, soul searching, and working any kind of active or passive income business that will help sustain a united front showing that individuals like myself are still productive and of use in society.

We are not useless and there is still enough we can do in this world to continue to help people. And this also contributes to helping sustain the payments I need to sustain my lawyers helping me to build my case while retaining cash flow in any matter that is possible.

All of this and what I am doing is a tribute and a sacrifice to get justice for my Father.

So feel free to use me as an example to get out there and drive for dollars when you are wholesaling or venturing in any business opportunity that you can get quick cash to use and invest in changing your earnings in just minutes.


What does these things all have to do with Driving for Dollars!!?!

It is to be advised that when you read my blogs they tend to be long. Do realize I don’t make it a habit to blog enough. As you will come to find I want to be more active to then put out results then just to blog.

However I do blog when it is necessary for content writing that is needed to encourage those who are in need of a way out and to change their situation to get things done immediately.

So please feel free to adhere to what advice will come from my blog. Cozy up to that nice couch or soft sofa with warm drink from your favorite Starbucks or Boba shop.
If it gets too long. Go ahead  and copy /paste all of this post into a blog site that will read to you as an audio. Because for the next 15-20 minutes you are about to be locked, loaded and heavily motivated to dive on out of this blog.
As it will reveals to you the best top advantageous substantial ways to obtain cash as fast as possible when you need it and then how to double it.

Be sure to process what you are reading all the way to the end.
For those who are highly motivated to be on the field when attempting to wholesale. Feel free to use me as an example to be motivated enough to get out there and close deals. For starters, when I drive for Dollars, I struggle. I make it a point to fully assert the circumstances and situations that could be beneficial to what I am trying to do as a wholesaler.

Before this year about 8-9 years ago I was a victim of mal practice and improperly diagnosed with IBS. By 2021 I had then learned from the right doctors that I had originally been suffering all this time

from Chronic Pancreatitis symptoms. C:\Users\PC\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\20210709_113947.jpg

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 I was supposed to then be at risk of then having cancer from Fall 2021. During my last summer with my Father while he was still alive! My family and I eventually came together to learn and prepare for what could have been the last uncertain days of my life at the hospital. But come Aug 2021I finally recovered from this decade long term unending suffering of an illness. Unfortunately my father had been murdered by August 22nd 2021. C:\Users\PC\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\20210930_170542.jpg

Within that timeframe and before that timeframe a lot of things in my life have always been taken away from me. I used to make peace with the fact in the mid 2000s that I am not allowed to deserve things and to want to have things. It was in my head then and it lived in my head rent free all those years ago . But then I got angry and I got over it and then finally in 2007 I am done with that mentality. I matured! That is not who I am I don’t accept the way the world is I do something about it and I get things done. I don’t care what it makes me look like, it gives me strength when I am laughed at! It gives me confidence when I am made fun of. It grants me satisfaction when I am put down and not made aware of it. Because it gives me the gratification to continue to live my life spiritually and abundantly care free.


And then they will have to accept it.

If you have legs and feet and you can run get up and get that money!! Keep in mind I was not able to run for more than 2-5 minutes consecutively for 8 years.   Today in 2022 I love running again.  Remember you go in with nothing to prove, you go in being yourself and loving yourself and who you are and what you struggled to do in order to get things going as you are there! And you remember what you can bring to the table. And be proud of your own accomplishments as you continue to fight and stride upon yourself to clear out and get through everything you are working to overcome.

Know that in that present moment we are not done yet and the present of existence of things that we still have to achieve will only transpire as long as we continue to apply ourselves, in order to get things done.

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Getting back to the year of 2015ish- I isolated myself before the year of 2020 Covid19  I focused on my education for online school while my health continued to get worse.  I gained so much weight. I weighed 374 and looked very unrecognizable, my skin was very poor and unmanaged and my hair was damaged. I was very dehydrated and it was hard to consume water and other natural remedies to heal my body. The medication was no longer working. I kept getting worse results that showed cancerous warning signs. 

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I could not leave my home for months I even had to relocate from time to time due to how much weight I was gaining and not being able to lose weight while I had been suffering from this illness and this mal practice I was improperly diagnosed with for nearly a decade.  

Come Spring to 2021going into the Summer of 2021. I began to recover from this nearly death experience of an illness that I had to undergo for a decade. I am now feeling like myself again, my hair is re-growing, I am more hydrated, active, and a lot more healthier and I eat more healthier than I have ever eaten before in my life. I’ve massively slimmed down to a 178-182 Ibs. I am constantly running and working out and staying fit to be lean. I don’t need muscles again I like being lean and ripped, and thin. That’s the way I should have always been and it’s good to feel like that again. Running and Boxing is a  key to internal longevity when you eat and hit right. And when I hit the basketball court again I have energy I haven’t experienced in years.

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It is good to feel this alive again.  The only thing I can be proud of in health when it comes to 2015 is not drinking any alcohol from then and presently now. And I am able to now eat more foods as I have been recommended to do so by my doctors.

Now getting back to the drive for dollars of this conversation.

To me this statement basically applies to a lot of things and it also universally applies to life.
Especially when trading in the stock market.


Take me for example, I have decided to do more than what I can do as a investor and wholesaler.
I like to take risks! Everyone that invests in businesses are prone to taking risks its part of reaching maximum success when you are prepared to invest. I do day trading and with that, despite my Chronic Pancreatitis symptoms that I faced to deal with for nearly a decade. I still managed to do the best I could to continue learning the process of day trading.

I had many mistakes in the past in this market but with all of what I learned I am ready to take bigger risks. And with that I have also continued my work in HFX trading.

HFX is a bit more advance than regular stock market and forex trading. HFX stands for High Frequency Forex. Traders can make profit by following indicators that could generate leads showing signs of which way the market will turn in the favor of those who could possibly state from technical analysis coverage.


On what to call between the support and resistance when the factors between the charts show strong indications of what the trader in HFX would say and set to indicate if that TA is recognized as a bullish market or a bearish market. 
Now here is the situation that can be used to help everyone. I occasionally have had background knowledge to understand the market due to a revolving door of uncles from my family and past mentors as friends from my life. However there are ways to learn the market and also many ways to change and improve your knowledge. I suggest for those who wish to become a trader in a month. A reasonable individual who would contribute to your learning as a trader would be Karen Foo. My advice to you is that you should watch all of Karen Foo’s videos.

C:\Users\PC\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\20211028_172948.jpg She is a formidable Stock Market force and she is very well organized in how to teach many individuals to learn possible profitable market trades. Objectively improving your risk management and exit strategies when entering and exiting the market! If you watch all of her videos you will attain enough coordinated information to give you enough psychological focus to be objective in most or all trades. In time this will mentally prepare you to make the most profit out of your earnings and to do all kinds of trades.

Now what does this have to do with Driving for dollars!?!??!!

Exactly, as I just said, this statement is more than just wholesaling it can be applied to all components to our daily life. Our drive to do something to make dollars should be unending and with that. Here is how I managed to coordinate this concept to mentally prepare and give my original focus in the way I used to be more of a social and a public person.

Technically this is everyone’s moment to recovery,
Free stock photo of affection, break up couple, child
if you are an individual who has had to start all over. You are reading material that will benefit you to continue going and to not give up. Realize when you are left with nothing that is all you are going to get back left in this life.
So apply yourself to realistic ways to build income fast.
I refused to allow a disease to continue taking me away from everyone I care about and then the final straw was to learn that my father was murdered. A man that I refused to have as father for three decades. Because of the choices he made as my Father and when he hurt my mother. Finally after long time of praying and forgiveness. I allowed myself to allow him to be a father in my life after three decades. And then for only two - three years he began to fight for his redemption. He achieved it only to be murdered by my stepmother.
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I can’t go further to express this kind of pain and loss and the system of what went on in how his life came to an end. But what I can do with it is motivate myself and others to know that they have every right in their life to continue instead of just giving up. That is what motivated me to stop being a Ghost and to continue living this life I still have left to live.

I am deeply sorry that I had to disappear to focus on what I could only do while I was suffering from my illnesses. I did not want to be a burden to anyone.

But with my own struggle I have no choice but to continue and I encourage anyone else who may find themselves in this kind of predicament. Make it your mission to not crawl into a ball and disappear. You must get the hell up and you must do something to coordinate yourself to spring forward back into life.
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So from my blog you have been made aware that I was suffering from Chronic Pancreatitis symptoms. This is not an excuse to hold me back from making something of myself from whatever life I still have left to live.

Therefore if anyone else finds themselves in this situation then you must find away to build yourself back in any way that will motivate you and others to continue living your life.

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Turn to God and Jesus Christ or that formation of love you can find from friendship. Even though my illnesses kept me away from a lot of opportunities to apply myself and do to many things that I was supposed to do years ago among this past decade. It did not make me forget how active I was during my teenage years.

From the age of 16- 17 I was more of a social person, I was more active and I was very loud in many communities I was lucky enough to be a part of outside of my own community.
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Because before I obtained the privilege to grow up in these various communities around me! I was a shy and unconfident person, I was like a child and immature obedient easily influenced delusional robot and awkwardly annoying. And I was afraid to be honest and to be myself and love myself and to defend myself when I needed to be myself.   I will say I didn’t start out as a social person, that kind of behavior was drawn out of me because of the wrong choices I made that cost me everything. Summarizing it all to say in the present day I will never be that weak again. But as I look back I remember that pain. And because of that pain I lost the greatest gift I took for granted as a gift I got from God.
And that gift was the complete trust and respect of an amazing friend.

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I thank God and Jesus Christ every day that he showed me that for me to be a person of value. I must fight for my life in hope someday I would regain my friends' respect back.

Looking back I thank God and Jesus Christ that they gave me the gift to remember this memory and what I am facing now!

It gives me the power to believe that I will get justice for my Father. And once again I must continue to fight for my life because it grants me the power to continue through that love that aspires me to have focus and complete everything in this life that I must get done.

It encourages me to remember the way I was.
It was through God and my devotion to be grateful of that feeling I got. And it was the power of love. It motivated me to fight for my life. This whole experience of what happened to my father. If I didn’t have the belief of God and Jesus Christ in my life and then the events that led me to change for the better during those years of the 2000s. I would not have the strength I have today to get up and get things done.

Back then I did not understand what was happening to me, all I understood was I refused to allow myself to lose another person like that from my life ever again.

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So I devoted my time and energy into being a person that would objectively apply myself to anything that would motivate others to obtain their goals to have access to their dreams to improve and live abundantly from the growth they make for their lives and businesses and foundations.

I was lucky to be a part of this association. I was able to acquire as I observed very highly detailed people I am grateful to call as my friends show me their potential in their achievements and how they planned and have thrived in the lives they now live today.

Back then as I embraced these new events in my life, I was secretly in pain doing all of that to heal from the pain I caused as myself during that time. But it had to be done, so I can change and be a better person for myself at that time even for as little or lowly as it was. I would like to think I changed for the right reasons but overall it gave me the confidence I needed to have social skills to present myself as a public speaker and to act when necessary as a social activist. To carry a conversation or to carry out upon a social event that would uplift a community. As genuine and legitimate as possible to help anyone who may be in need.  And my motivation to fight for my life back then was derived from God who has blessed this person to still have the grace and patience to be my friend today.

To this day I must be on the next level of my own life. It maybe 2022 but I have no choice but to live this second chance of my life as if I am living in 2027.  And in order to prosper with all my friends again, legitimately not just because of nostalgia of who I am or where I come from and where I have been. I must love and support my friends from a distance until I achieve my goals and the rights of who I am and what I have been fighting for in the achievements and goals I now live by and continue to set. 

For every breaking moment, I have no business losing my time and focus in now creating a dynasty or a legacy built from my name that would last for decades to a century.

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This is the way I am supposed to live. I foolishly allowed this mentality to be taken away from me because of fear of an illness that was trying to end me. I am cured I am back and I am ready to begin again.

And from that understanding it allows me to remember that I was given the privilege to spend time with so many influential people who showed me so many kinds of layers and steps in creating their own kind of businesses from almost out of nothing from almost all around the world.

Even my own dad had his own plans. And I hope I can help to honor my dad that way. Ultimately that is my goal. I do not want my father’s dreams that he had for himself to be left for dead. My Stepmother allowed all of my Dad’s hopes and dreams that stood at his bed side hoping to be achieved all then be laid to waste. As my stepmother patiently allowed my father to die refusing to get help to save his life. My father’s dreams died all around him as he went to his death in his hospital room alone without the support of my family or our my families knowledge to be there in his time of need.

I do not want to find myself in that kind of relationship or pain and suffering on earth. I pray my father is allowed to find peace in the Kingdom of Heaven. I am grateful that with the life I had when I was younger! I was around the most captivating and most aspiring inspirational talented and youthful advocate motivational leaders this world has yet to see and will continue to see rise in anything they go out and apply themselves to do.

Being a part of that chamber of life gave me a boost to be social and to work social.
I am very grateful I had the privilege to be a part of so many things that motivates me to this day to continue to fight for my life.

Therefore this gives me the ability to work any kind of job with the knowledge behind it and then the ability to work it. I get it done!

As I later learned about Uber Eats and Door Dash, instead of being a customer. I learned you can also work for this service. They say you can be your own boss but however I still consider it as a chamber of workforce among their services.

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I decided to apply myself to Uber Eat deliveries. Began in December 2021. I saw a great change in me which is important because I need this behavior as a Wholesaler investor. And that is the ability to have patience and to help people again from a face to face value. I forgot what that was like for nearly a decade!
I had not known how dark and closed my heart was to that kind of reaction and response in those engaging experiences. For just one month so far I achieved a nice rating.

When we are to help people who are motivated to sell their property or homes we have to be genuine and real so they feel comfortable to trust us with their property as we make the arrangements to work with them to close deals. But we must be quick and mindful about it. You can take risks but it’s wise to apply risk management when you see that the motivated seller isn’t derived or completely set on a future on where they plan to go or what they plant do, while they are in the preparation process to sell their property.  There is more to continue adding on to where I am going however I feel that everyone should all have the opportunity to do their own diligence and reading on familiarizing the way they wish to work as a wholesaler.

Although the factor of me even doing this kind of job for Uber while Wholesaling could be consider lowly to others. But regardless I am a person that does not give a damn. I do not care how any job makes me look like to others. Am I supposed to crawl into a fetal position and beg for money when I need money to continue doing trading and investing when I make the mistakes to break my trading account and lose profit!

HELL NO?!! That is not how life works?!!! “You get out there!! And… Work!!!?!!!!!

 And regardless like all jobs even this job comes with benefits!

For those who needs health coverage discount benefits and this system of cash flow! It’s a fair trade. Hell even Uber eats gives out 4-5 cash outs on daily basis when you work this service.

The need to get constant gas is annoying but I managed that situation with just a gas card and I keep it moving.

And for starters I am a person that focuses on making multiple streams of income. 

Because of the dark vibes I experienced during this summer and the feeling of how my father just comes and goes. I don’t like to be in doors or around hospitals very long. And I have not been able to sleep, I don’t sleep normal anymore. Which isn’t good but I’ll be alright when justice is served.

So I find it easier to be more productive and the best way I can be productive when I can’t make money in trading on certain days like holidays or weekends.
Is to get outside!

And if I am outside I want to be making money out and  not staying in the same place for very long. That’s the way I was living before I was improperly diagnosed for the wrong treatment then and became horribly ill.

With everything else I have going on now, I will be going back to that life soon enough but this time spiritually, respectfully, and legitimately.
Also a good way to make more multiple streams of active income would be doing Uber Delivers especially at night.
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This works out for me because a lot of my money that I already have is being used to keep the lawyers and contracts I need to help me get justice for my father and stolen properties from my stepmother.

As for everything else that I am fortunate to obtain from Uber Eats and other instant accesses to cash. It is the benefit of working again on my social interactive skills.

 It still needs work but in just one month I achieved a status that grants me the audacity to then say that I can be a good person and I have the same ability to help people who are in need still intact after all these years of solitude.

I never had to be cold and heartless. And when I practice these ethics of kindness. It gives me the assertion to then realize that I still have my confidence to go out and get things done for earnest reasons.

As you know this kind of situation may also relate to people who have lost the ability to interact in their own communities due to being injured or suffering from uncontrolled illness or viruses. See the source imageSo if you are lacking to get back to being a social person, the quickest way to regain those skills as I did would be doing food deliveries for Uber Eats. You have the chance to speak with business owners about their franchises while you wait for the meal that you are going to deliver. You can pick their brain and get ideas and apply it to your own. You even have the chance to advertise your own business with their business as you make those deliveries.

On the side I also work in social media travelling business as JR. Executive. Here you'll have your own personal booking engine. You are free to share it to anyone. When they book on your site they save  and earn money.  It comes with an unlimited income and training bonuses to help members work from anywhere. You can get in for just $79. Travel for pennies on a dollar on your personal travels and earn Reward Credits. How about a yearly 7 day FREE Family vacation as well. And that’s  not even half of what can be explained here but I’ll go much more detail into this for the next blog.

But getting back to Driving for Dollars. Again you can easily do that with Uber Eats or Door Dash and still have cash while you are driving for dollars looking for property to find buyers for. If you feel uncomfortable doing Uber Eats or if you feel some kind of way. Good! Get over it! And let that be that it’s a good sign for you to know that you are alive. Hell go outside and scream you are ALIVE! It wakes you up and it gives you the ability to get out and get going again. Hell  I try not to laugh at myself when I do these deliveries because I feel like I’m Winchester when I do Uber Eat deliveries. See the source image

You go out you turn the APP on like it’s supernatural ghost reading device. Then you go out and then instantly in an episode of Supernatural just as soon as that alarm ring tone goes on. If the time is right and the estimated conditions of that Uber Eat delivery is on the way to a local house that is for sale and it’s worth the miles. Then boom I take the case as if I’m a Winchester and I enter the field as if I just entered the market to make a possible entry into a trade. Utilizing my time wisely I combine both parts of doing this situation and go to for it. That way you made profit through that Uber Eats Delivery and you could possibly get a contact with that house being sold in that neighborhood the following day by getting contact details and hoping to speak to owner of the property being sold.

And then get on the phone and start cold calling the Agent or FBSO – For sale by the Owner. If you can at least get to that part weekly you will achieve your goals and at least have the confidence to rebuild yourself as you make those approaches making new connections and speaking with property owners or business owners directly.

Be mindful of how you act versus how you interact, because you are remembered in every situation you present yourself into from business to business. And with that experience it also gives me the ability to monitor and acknowledge and take assets and ideas of other businesses that I come across from that would then be a collective of things that I will adapt and put into my own finalized businesses. That I plan to create.  And to those who will laugh at you, take comfort that they took 30 seconds of their time to laugh at you while you are doing everything you can to get your life on the right track again. And then when you achieved your goals you don’t even need to have the last laugh because regardless you are living stronger and more secured spiritual life that will motivate the lives of others to continue fighting for their life as you will continue to expand to reach upon your goals. Sophia Bush is all about that the whole Butterfly thing it is a vibe and it correlates to all of us late bloomers. So get on it and Go!!!

Other than that, this kind of business allows those who have been indoors for so long to get back out and retrain your social confrontation skills.   Take it from me, when I see people say they’ve been indoors all 2020. I see that as how lucky they are able to even say that, when many people who have found themselves suffering in my position  have had to remain closed up behind doors for nearly a decade just to recover from illness that default their daily lives. I hadn’t touched a basketball in almost 7-8 years it feels good to shoot a basketball into a hoop again. For me, I couldn’t wait to get outside once I got my Covid vaccinations and was then given the okay by my doctors that my Chronic Pancreatic symptoms have no more of an effect on me. By  November 2021 I was able to finally play basketball again. That was the best feeling in the world and now I have more work to do in my coming days of the year of 2022 and so on.

Again what does UberEats have to do with Driving for dollars.

Well you can use the Propstream App and while during UberEat Delieveries you have a legitimate excuse to be in local neighborhoods to then drive for dollars and look up for properties that are being sold in those neighborhoods or gated communities that have guards. That normally do not allow anyone to enter from between Propstream or Opendoor or simply use Redfin. As a wholesaler and as investor this is precious time being used. However if you are not making any profit at least you have the luxury of Door Dash App or UberEats App to use and get money in your hands right there and then doing one of the two. 

And while that is going on you can apply that and use Risk Management and double your profit into HFX trading broker account platforms right from your phone. I personally use Pocket Options and Race Options and then mix my collected resourced information from weeks ago and present time trades to correlate trades through the Trading View.

Then with the indicators and procedures I’ve learned from Karen  Foo I am able to then create and make profit on just collecting the cash in my hands I would get from Uber Eat deliveries and then expand that profit. So if I broke my account right there, there is another instant $100 already in my hands to recreate that cash flow because of using either DoorDash and Uber Eats of that record day of time. Also feel free to read my previous blog some of those ideas are still presently working while others have become more competitive to try. As for needing income on the spot when you are on the go, this kind of blog is perfect for those needing to get funds and practice social skills.

So you see this is a simple process


And you are making profit regardless while you are driving for Dollars.

Be mindful of the motivated seller you are trying to reach and remember that they are looking for individuals who are willing to work with them and treat their home and the procedure of this task with the up most respect.

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Forgive me I have more to say but this is enough that I can provide for now. My time is very short and I have a lot going on. I do hope I will come back to finish this blog in the future. There is a lot of stuff I left out but I will edit errors and add links to everything else that needs to be addressed to help readers be more prepared in where to go in how they too can apply themselves. And I will go back into more details in how these strategies can benefit all. However you are free to liberate yourself from my story and use this as an example to encourage and motivate you to go out and drive for dollars. Not just for being a wholesaler but to encourage you to apply yourself to life in almost anything you can possibly learn how to proceed on doing anything you put your mind and yourself ready to do. The only way to start is by saying Yes!
Best of luck!

Hang ten, stay safe God Bless.


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