Make Money Online | in 5 ways


When you feel like its too hard to try something new. Relax it’s never too late, like that song from Three Day’s Grace. And it's never too late make money online. So do yourself a favor and breathe, kick up your feet on your desk or couch and get comfortable. Grab your favorite Boba tea drink or Starbucks Coffee. Copy and paste all of this post into a blog that will read to you as an audio. Because for the next 30 minutes you are about to be locked, loaded and heavily motivated to dive on out of this blog. After it reveals to you the best top advantageous substantial ways to make money online for beneficial ongoing cash flow.

By now everyone should know the fundamentals in ways like waves to make more cash flow in residual ongoing income. It is mostly the everyday struggle in life after we hit the age of 18. Unfortunately there are people even before the age of 18 who are making a living in NFTS, Crypto’s, and other methods that we will uncover in this blog. Rest assured you have found a significant place for encouragement to get you motivated to do more than you have ever done in the coming days of your experience and the new hype to your success and motivation. To encourage this route of what you will see here, prepare yourself to determine the kind of route you wish to take on to make money. If you are prepared to do both then you are on the right track. As for what these income sources are they can be acknowledged as active income or passive income. And the quickest ways to obtain income at all is through social media marketing and remote control work. If you are determined and willing to work! You must create these areas of income to sustain growth of your capability to continue expanding in making an ongoing success rate of profit. 

Despite pandemic reality of 2020. Our global world began to realize that even from within a crisis, social media marketing and remote control work was still accessible to those who have already invested in this area of business for years into this procedure of business. It’s not over like that one song from Daughtry. So prepare yourself to relearn old or new skills. This is one way to prevent burnout and with that your capability to create content will overtime become endless. So get into the rhythm of this hype to continue your grind into social media marketing. You don’t have to use social media just to find reasons to go out and spend money for miscellaneous purposes. The best way to make use of your social media ability is to bind that with skills that you have learned or will learn to enrich yourself while making residual income for ongoing profit. And with it you can and will make yourself available to find work online work and to make income as a active or passive freelancer that will continue to gain off the chart levels of cash flow. When you display your best experiences to clients as they witness your achievements and experiences in whatever your field maybe from professionalism or gaming! It will help you get more clients as you will stand out from the rest showing how much of a trailblazer you really could be. When you multiply your capability in various areas of business.

#5 – Digital Social Media
Marketing Services

So in case you come to learn that you or your public business or occupation is at risk of being shut down. You would want a backup plan to prepare passive income or active income to continue your way of life. From social media marketing it can connect to active income. The way you participate in this venue is based on how much time you put into your work and content and what you are learning.

 This begins the lesson starting with the fifth way to make money online.
Active income individuals can list themselves to clients who need work done through social media digital services. There are many online services such as Upwork, Fiverr, and following related jobs that can be achieved through these kinds of income individuals who apply at these websites. These websites give the active income remote worker the ability to create an account on those platforms and then revealing to their potential customer that they will demonstrate and work a particular interest that the customer is looking for in order to have a task for a job done. When you market yourself to work for others on sites like Upwork or Fiverr you are able to expand your portfolio. This is the understanding that you are working for yourself and in the pursuit to help others with their tasks and businesses as a Freelancer.

 And you work as an individual as it gives you the chance to build upon outreaching your chances to improve upon the many new potential clients who may be in need of your services. From the following sites there many job listings that are listed to be said of digital marketing, translating, voice acting, video editing, script writing, and ext. There are many tasks that can be requested of any potential client regarding to the account of purchase of what could be requested on that depiction of work from those related sites. As they are your client you are expected to give them the overall quality of your business to help them be sure that you have a money agreement on the format on how you will be compensated for the work you do for them as they are your client. Once all that is worked out you are in business and you will be making profit.  Also allow me to include the use of sites that grant gift cards and coupons as rewards for completing tasks. And this site is called Swagbucks. Swagbucks is reliable site to make profit from. You will have the ability to be rewarded for efforts in playing games on Swagbucks.

Making referrals to get new members to join Swagbucks is always a benefit to your approach on how to make profit on Swagbucks.  Tasks that are required to make profit from on Swagbucks would be taking surveys and redeeming gift card offers in cash or BTC. And honestly it actually looks more feasible to obtain more realistic profitable gifts from Swagbucks than almost anywhere else. There maybe other relatable sites that claim to give rewards or gifts to their ongoing monthly visitors. However trust worth sites that will remember you if you have been in active in over a decade would have to be Swagbucks. I have had an account with Swagbucks in over a decade. And I haven't used the Swagbucks site in such a long time. However this Swagbucks site still remembered my old account and it welcomed me back with the full confidence to enrich me with what I had yet to still gain from Swagbucks. I feel more appreciative of Swagbucks than any other site that is relatable to this category. I don't even think Publisher Clearing House site is worth using over Swagbucks being in how reliable a decade old account would sustain its use compared to a Publisher Clearing house account. It is refreshing that Swagbucks is built this way to hold such a quality and an effect to retain and sustain my account after all this time as much as Swagbuckshad originally did so for all those years ago.  So if you want rewards for your efforts in filling out a site worth of your time to and effort when completing surveys. Then you can apply here on Swagbucks it has many opportunities to enrich the users through many kinds of categories built for Swagbucks users. In which in how Swagbucks members could harness and continue to make profit from the points that contribute back to equate as gifts for rewards and gift cards. Anyone is more than capable to participate the use of Swagbucks. Then as you continue build up on your earnings you will gain profit and more chances to redeem more rewards on Swagbucks.

Become a Youtuber

The fourth way to make passive income on social media would be to make a YouTube Channel. Here on YouTube you can also make videos requirements that are composed by your area of interest. When you break out those kinds of Youtubers are acknowledged as influencers they obtain many new ways to enhance their status as a YouTuber and with that they can make more channels and create and obtain access to sponsorship opening more doors for there capability in the market of being a YouTuber. However for the rest of us upcoming and still in progress Youtubers, we continue to grind and focus our purpose on YouTube until something clicks. However the goal is to achieve the YouTube Association program. If you as YouTuber, can obtain enough subscribers and hours by a general amount of requested time, you will succeed! Because you will be on the right path for making passive income on the YouTube platform! For your work on YouTube to begin! You must have an relatable interest or a niche that can help or motivate an audience time and time again.

And you must be relatively consistent! With that it can sustain to the degree of content that would create an audience following. The quickest and best way to make a YouTube channel around an audience is through an active gaming YouTube channel if you are male or nowadays a female. As for most female Youtubers a lot of YouTube females started as comedy, reviews, fashion, cooking and ext. As for Males most YouTuber by males started out through comedy, advice in relationships, food, reviews, and mostly pranks and games.

 Once you find the thing that makes you thrive on YouTube. Stick to it to create an audience built around whatever it is that you do on YouTube. However the most and quickest way to thrive as a starting out YouTuber is through gaming, pranks, comedy, cooking, action, and fashion.

As a gamer myself for the YouTube channel. That I correspond to with a coworker! I can say from experience you must show activity and possible capability of your progress in the game to sustain the YouTube audience that is a member to your channel. I can also recall that most of the best Youtubers from the games I promote don’t even get the same record of attention for the way they can play a game better than the top YouTuber that promotes the game.

 However with time comes respect and that’s what this part of the gaming factor and being a YouTuber should be really all about.

 However the early worm is what gets the prize all the time. So if you are the kind of gamer that makes content based on promotion. You will have the YouTube views however your long time long term connection to your subscription will eventually fizzle out due to the changing of how competitive the format of that gaming franchise will change. If you as the YouTuber is not making the same kind of head way as the most valuable player in that game! Then of course you as the YouTuber will make it your priority to ignore the stronger players of that game to connect and hold on to the subscribers that are still watching you. In hope that they don’t have the need to watch uprising new players who are much better than the YouTuber gaming promoter of that gaming franchise! If you are like my coworker and I on YouTube as gamers! This is stuff that we don’t worry about.

Because we are very experienced in the game we promote and play and we have a discord where we use our time to help people to learn how to play this franchise game we promote with less effort. And with that we devoted a years time into that connection.

It has come to our attention that whenever my coworker and I appear in a lobby we are recognized and we carry that room and prepare that whole team to survive that round against whatever the Franchise game developer has cooked up for that week to make the game difficult online for that lobby game room of players. However when my coworker and I are in that room lobby with whoever from time to time. We make sure that everyone comes out of each game lobby we are randomly selected in, to come out alive and on top of that gaming ranking system leader board. If you want to prove your results you must be potentially good at that game and a good game player of that gaming franchise. In whatever you have done to achieve a success rate to build upon that game you must have records and you must present your records on other forms of social media that would create more chances to get more views to your channel. Sites like Twitch, Reddit, Twitter, IG, DISCORD and TIKTOK would help the potential YouTuber who is a gamer attempting to create an audience that would be aware of their YouTube channel and their growth as a gamer from that franchise house game. The quickest gaming YouTube channels to grow with better numbers at the start of zero are usually to support Bandai Namco Anime games or EA SPORTS or EPIC Games. Competitive skill games that request challenging games are the best kinds of games most gaming YouTubers would select to use to promote and get the support they need to make an impact on YouTube as the gamer that they are.

Games that are competitive 
where you can beat the alleged top gamer or YouTube top gamers of that franchise at an annual rate beyond anyone like no other. Is what will set you apart from the traditional YouTube gaming promoter of that franchise. If you are better than all of those YouTuber gaming promoters of the franchise you also promote as Youtuber. Then prove it and show them and the world how good you are without even having to acknowledge them. Make it so impossible that they know your screen gamer tag and they are aware of your own YouTube uploads. They even will watch your videos for inspiration and then because they are likely more consistent they will abide to the way you make content to take the views you made on your own. You will low-key see that do not fear that from those top tier Youtubers that have the most YouTube subscribers. For them to react that way to your progress shows that they are intimidated by you. And they look at your path to the first round of your success and are amazed in your efforts especially if you are very new to YouTube. In their minds they wonder how did this person get those kinds of views when their content isn’t even as good as what they have been producing for years. Feel that as comfort because you make them now feel an intimidation like no other like they must question the reality of their progress and realize they must focus on promotion instead of actually playing with their subscribers. And if you have exceeded to show repetition in your skill that is worldwide and done it at a level where it is national to most an all players globally to be recognized to even that your gamer tag is acknowledge by all in that gaming lobby. Then you are on the right path. In fact you are on the right path even when the host of that lobby is upset you are in that room and then they force to kick you or ban you from their rooms. Then realize you are on the right path.      

 My coworker and I have been kicked or banned out of 1485 rooms in under 1 year of playing a franchise game that we play very well and promote on our channel. We have the recording to prove it that proves to us that we are a boogeyman to the game we promote on our own YouTube Channel. If you are experiencing that kind of treatment in a game that you pay console membership to year after year! Realize your value it means you are that damn good. Because you are an impact to an audience that they have to keep up with and if you out due them to their audience then you are proving your worth and if you have done it in a level that undercuts these top tier YouTuber gaming promoters. Then remember to remind yourself it’s just the game and the way you have risen to that level of success in such a short unknown amount of time is your value take that wherever you go and how you run your YouTube Channel. That is what will separate you from the rest, make that known the best way you can from all of your platforms do

DO NOT BE AFRAID of COMPEITION! STEP UP and MAKE YOUR MOMENT! Count and always speak up to defend yourself respectfully as you should. You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow. This opportunity comes once in a life time. You better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go
 - Eminem 

it as humble as possible. But don’t make it to a point to where it becomes your opening act. Because that gets old and most importantly your goal in this area of interest is to help those who aspire to be like you from that gaming franchise. Make it into a reality where everyone must realize your worth and value and respect it whether they like it or not. Respect is earned they can't take it away from you unless you choose to lose yourself. So always remember your value in this area of business when you make your presence known. Be sure to record your gaming and screenshot the moments you have done the best record gaming moments at an annual rate to where people will come to you for your help to help them with regular tasks of that games requirements. And this especially helps if you work with a coworker. Work together to represent your past time gaming experiences and show that level of sportsmanship respectfully and then tie it back into content that you can make to share with an audience on all of your social media platforms connected to your YouTube account. Yes this is a lot of work! However it can be done under a 6 months to a year’s time. You must be dedicated and you must have time, and once you have achieved your goal to be acknowledge as a community game valued player in that franchise game of gamers from that console you play and already promote on your YouTube channel. Then it is time to finally concentrate more on building upon the support you need to advance in growing your YouTube channel by showing good connection to those who are subscribed to you. You must make the choice to know when to split between gaming and running your YouTube channel.

When you have that kind of discipline you can do almost anything you put your mind too. If you can become the best gamer in a game in such a record rate that creates long term relativity to all under seconds to where people can recognize you and your content when you are in their lobby. You can put all of that effort be the most richest person in the world. That is my goal and I am still on the grind to prove it, I started with my coworker in that game as nothing. And then in a years time we are recognized. We became so valued we were removed from Twitter because of the ability we had to market our gaming value and then relate to the audience that followed us from Twitter. That’s how good my coworker and I became in the game we still promote on YouTube for the content we produced on Twitter was more than enough to continue the franchise production of hype that game continued to receive with or without.  And we have moved on from even caring to get back our Twitter account. We don’t need Twitter anymore to be who we are as YouTubers we’ll leave that to the YouTube gaming promoters of the franchise we all promote together. When you put your mind to it you can do almost anything and we already achieved our goals and then some going forward back then every time.

Getting back to the grind of your efforts as a YouTuber! You can also on the side host an online store and connect to your other platforms that will allow you to sell your digital merchandize to your subscribers. Remember at that time it doesn’t matter if you are not seeing high results on your YT channel. What matters is how you continue to thrive in that game and how you continue to promote your content on social media platforms for long term connections to those who are members to your content and growth. And by keeping up with those and everyone you are member of through your active YouTube channel and other platforms. You will come to find that you will then need to focus more to obtain 4000 watching hours and 1000 subscribers. Once you have achieved that goal you will then be monetized. The more views you achieve, the more subscribers you are potentially going to have. In order to sell merchandise from your online potential stores affiliated marketing stores, you must have 10,000 subscribers. Its best to focus on the growth of your channel's active members so they would be ready as a retained loyal audience for when you launch your videos regarding information about how you can help them in that franchise game or actual life time experience that would relate to your subscribed members that are connected to the videos you may choose to make. 

 Provided that you do all of this under the YouTube agreement license for monetization you will eventually come to find that you are qualified and you will be making a passive income from the YouTube platform. Also be sure to follow all of the applied rules that YouTube provides to its users in order to be on the right track of that platform and its services.

#3- Work on Amazon

The third progression into making money online through social media marketing is through working on Amazon. You can work on Amazon as a mechanical-turk in the pursuit of fulfilling tasks that are too difficult for a programmed computer to do. This is mostly a place where businesses can also outsource work to those willing to complete these tasks for the sole purpose of the requirements in what these jobs may entail provided by the service of the workforce description. These task from Amazon requests active income workers to proceed in the following of whatever the job description entails upon its outsource. Basically you are the needed human intelligence to improve the tech that will enrich the API setting for the following task that is on demand.

Such as audio editing and transcribing, translating audio and video into different languages, testing web pages and writing reviews on the service of that web pages capability. As an active income worker in this remote work of business on Amazon you can qualify to make $20 or more for an hour on the requirement for that provided job task as a Amazon mechanical-turk. Another additional way to make money on Amazon would be a passive income and this passive income way of making money would be through Amazon Kindle Publishing. This is a self-publishing for E-books and paper backs for free through the direction of Kindle. This service helps to reach millions of readers. With Kindle publisher you need a book to sell, you can either write this book yourself or you can hire someone to write a book for you. You can simply do this in the comfort of your own home. And the benefit to getting all of this started here on Amazon is the fact that this is free. You have to be willing to do the work and you must be disciplined to get the job done. Finish the book! 
Also do the research to learn more on how Kindle publisher works.

 You are always welcomed to visit the YouTube channel and prepare yourself by learning from Youtubers who have explained how to use this function on Amazon. Also you can study upon making the kind of E-Book that most people are looking for in order to make longevity profit. If you made a certain brand of books that help people that are in need of answer to questions about daily life concerns on how to complete a task. Or books on lifetime experiences to prepare people to make better decisions on choices in life! Or better yet answers to questions regarding to growing up in how to make money to live a life of abundance. Then you will be in the right direction to make profit on Amazon. To this very day there are people on Amazon who also make $100,000 for publishing E-books on Amazon. Seeking to learn more knowledge on how to improve your investment in these focuses will increase your chances to having long term success in the work you put into these ways of passive or actively income. Another way to make income from Amazon

would be through the Amazon Associates program. This is a very simple way to make passive income on Amazon. All you do is sign up to the Amazon Associates program, and then you are given the opportunity to pick over various amounts of thousands or more designated products all provided from Amazon. Amazon will give you a link from there you take the link and promote the link on a hosted website you may have already at your disposal for whatever your website is normally used for. That, and if you promote other products or a business you may already own, or if you have your very own YouTube channel.  You are then free to promote your website host Amazon link from there. Also you can share that link of the product you are trying to sell on your Facebook among your friends or IG, Tiktok, Pinterest, Reddit, and ext;  provided if you are attempting to help share this product to those who may be in need of this products use. Then every time someone buys the product through the link you provided on that website. International Amazon Associate in this program who live outside the United States, will have to be paid through checks  However United States Amazon Associates will be paid by a five to ten percent of that sales profit in after 60 days. The user will be paid through Amazon Gift Cards or through a bank wire transfer as this mostly offered in the United States.

#2 – Work with Clickbank

The second passive and active income way to make money online is through the process program website known as Clickbank. Sites related to this format give users the ability to work in a digital market place for product creators and affiliates to make money online by buying and selling their courses or services to the world. Clickbank focuses more on only selling digital products. However there are sites like Etsy that allow its users to sell products that are handmade or to that of vintage of recognized antique value. The commission and sales revenue to profit from Clickbank and other related sites pay more than the Amazon Associates Program. Clickbank sellers can get as up to 75% high to be earned through just commission of sold valued products.

When you are more prepared to join Clickbank you can begin the process to learn on how to promote your Clickbank store through funnels. Be sure to research and do your own understanding to have the full focus of how to use Clickbank to your advantage. Before you make an account! Then when you are ready sign up and begin your goal to go about selling almost any digital product on Clickbank. A quick way to promote your product and sell products would be advertising your product through a social media platform that you may already own such as Tiktok, IG, Twitter, or Facebook. You can make a short clip video or screenshot your products telling a story to attract an audience to like the products you are promoting to sell on your social media various promotional accounts. And another modern way to sell digital products would be using the site known as Etsy. There you can sell all kind of products made through digital or crafted  as handmade or vintage. With it you can promote your products through other forms of social media linking it to your store and your platforms like IG or Tiktok. 

#1 – Investing

Then finally the number one value in how to make passive and additional income money online according to my experiences would be investing. As an investor it is your responsibility to work for yourself. You make the rules and you become your own boss instantly. You must follow and be up to date with as much research information on the following correlations that go about upon the consumer and sellers daily life the society of what goes on in the market of that national institution and country. That being through the form of currency of a world market population regarding to the measures of profit made                                       through a transaction and its progression of its success in annual market trade.

The knowledge and history behind what you are investing in relies on the information you retain as an investor. And also the best kind of investment to make online are investments that don't cost us any of us investor to put any money down to begin investing in that product or estate or research. This is also agreeable in real estate if you don’t have to put any money down to flip a house then that was a good deal and if you continue to make profit that way you are on the right track as an investor. To be a good investor you must be committed to the commitment and the purpose of what you are doing. You must be motivated on the system of that process to stay ready and to be alert on short term or long term gains or trades or transactions. And you must be ready to learn and discipline yourself and time to remain focused. And if you are in need of help for annual understanding in how you wish to invest or what to invest in, apply yourself to all walks of knowledge and life regarding this area of interest for your potential trades. Facilitate yourself to be made aware of this focus and continue to expand upon this knowledge taking it everywhere you may go as it will apply to your daily life and the way you wish to

 As you continue to read on you will see from my own understanding and experiences in where I am coming from in Forex trading in the realm of focusing as a Higher Frequency Transceiver. It is like an equivalent exchange of our lives. In which is the time we devote equals as the input of time we get back for the work we put as we divest into to ourselves when we enter the market following up on the objectivity we put in most or all kinds of trades.

You must trade without emotion to prevent break outs in your accounts. Relying on the parameters of our indicators showing us or efforts to study the chart determining when to sell or buy when the market level shows analysis of a break into the Support or the Resistance will determine our efforts as traders to make the right decision between a Call or a Put.  When investing in real estate this also can apply as a real estate investor all investors need to know is how to be deliberate on a process that works through the experience to guide you upon a path with the intention to help people as it will flow like an educational system set by steps that can help almost anyone.

The focus overall is to believe in the process of your investment and when you see blockage to your investment remove yourself and focus on the next investment. Time is money and money has no time to wait for those who don’t show value to your investment.

And that is how we as traders react to all kinds of trades when we are focused on making substantial record continuation of profit. And when it comes to investing, fixing a problem is not set by just yourself this also marks the territory of real estate. Working with people
will also help benefit your goals as an investor. You can join a team or you can join communities here on Facebook. You must be willing to outsource and automate in the direction of following up upon a source for instructions for the key flow of a system that works for you and everyone a part of your growth. Therefore it is really all connected in the way we wish to live our lives and to enrich ourselves and to be with the people we wish to be with. You must be dedicated and you must put in the work. A lot of ways to invest would be through investing on property and ways to invest would be through rental property or real estate. Acquiring passive income properties by not using a dime of your own money is better in the understanding that is called equity creation. And regarding back to as a stock trading investor that is music to my ears making stocks without having to put money down and living off of dividends is a success rate to build back upon living a passive income.

 This will help with the possibility to have fast money because when you have fast money you are able to make deals on good profit to get better deals. If you have slow access to profit you will miss out on better deals. If you don’t have license depending on where you live will also determine how you will be applicable to begin this process. However regularly in most states to be a real estate agent you can always sign up and take 4-6 months classes and then take the exam to begin that process. It’s like defense driving class or DMV driving days all over again. But the classes and the test to take and the memories you will make will be worth it because it is motivation to the process of your work ethic and it will guide you to become good in real estate. I have four uncles in real estate and three of them are stock market traders. I kind have ran away from this curse for years but here I am like a Winchester from Supernatural this deep into the family business. 

Oh well. Real Estate classes is more than just another never ending of school weeks for some DMV class or for some defenses driving ticket! This time around in a class room for Real Estate, you are there to learn how acquire the opportunity to advance in ownership of properties. Learning how to set goals that you will acquire to make through systems of planning that will work with you in your business as real estate agent that will carry weight in how you can guarantee a deal and continue that as an annual rate. Working effectively to micro manage all of your tasks improving your ratings to new clients who may be in need of your service from time to time. Working diligently to land record sales and having access to potential clients at a better rate than the competitor who would be also on Zillow attempting to outmatch your access of fast cash flow to get the better rate for that deal faster than the competitor who is also in the market for that property of estate. Also building upon that will enrich your connections for the future and possible potentials investments by making new connections and creation of opportunity. You will advance in the knowledge to be decisive on the many ways you can work efficiently and have record ratings as an established investor in real estate.

Thereby you will expand on making profit. By helping people raise their families and giving back to communities in this area of interest is also a reward in this advantageous profession that overall builds back to improve communities that engage as a society.

If you are short for time and want cash now. Then you can always participate in Airbnb as a host, and if you don’t own property. You can be a Virtual Airbnb Co-host. Through creating a Co-Host account on Airbnb it allows members to add co-host to their account. This allows many who wish to participate in this area of investing and business to enrich their interest and skills to market themselves and to help those in this format of property estate management. The owner of that account must add you as a co-host. Then that owner must invite you as a friend selecting that button to give you access. You will get further instruction with an invitation that will be sent to your email then when you accept it. You will then be finalized as a Airbnb Co-host. In the market of Airbnb a lot of host may be in need of assistance to run their Airbnb property. At times this is how a co-host can intervene with the development procedures of this focus.

  The Airbnb has made it easier for agreement of a co-host to take care of running of property on behalf of the host. Of course task will vary due to what is being asked of for the circumstances of consideration for co-hosting. Regardless as a Virtual Assistant time will be of use  and will be necessary for the task of this job’s requirement.  Working as STR virtual assistant is a manageable way to make profit. You, as a virtual assistant can run multiple properties from the comfort of your own home using your own cell phone device then a USB computer device to record and save data between files of collected information in between the use of PDF files to collect and retain associated client detail emailed information. This can be used as sourcing kept records for information to keep track of all the information of all the clients you are doing business with.  

Retain all acquired information needed to function as a Virtual Airbnb co-host, make it your mission to understand everything about the platform. Follow the rules of this service to its absolution. Your tasks will all eventually lean upon running promotions. You may want to make a private account of your service to run your promotions as a co-host to present professionalism to your ethic as a Virtual Co-host Airbnb provider. Also be sure to rely on the Airbnb platform it holds a collection of prepared guides on the site to help all guests to get started on their journey in this area of investment for Airbnb. Be sure that your resume is in order and it ready to be used and seen by the potential client and service presenter for your work and record in what you can do as that Client's Co-host. Members of this service are able to read past and present post for experience and insight to solve problems to help situate and make proposals to guaranteed deals. You can also join Airbnb communities. On Facebook to get a better mindset and a focus on the directions of who you wish to market yourself to as an Airbnb Virtual Co-host.

Once you are a Airbnb Virtual Co-host you will obtain access to a listing. You will then be able to edit listing descriptions and possible heading/title’s if it is a necessary request. You are also given the ability to converse with guest making sure everyone is properly registered and the experience of that party guest time is relief stressed free as you will check on their stay during that time.  This grants you your own access to manage the Airbnb Virtual Co-host account from your own access instead of the owner’s Airbnb account.  Be sure that you make it known to the Airbnb host how you wish to be paid. Be polite but casually up front and assertive about it on the management on how you will be paid. Such as Cash App, Zelle, or Pay pal will suffice.  If you market yourself as a Co-host in the Co-host|market you have a greater chance to reach more jobs through Virtual Assistance.

You will be able to reach more profiles and help homeowner’s even homeowners possibly from your own area. And through the procedures of messaging guest and managing bookings will be available at your capability to continue making more connections and more profit. Likely this will feel like flipping a rental however it is a lot less stressful. And for Airbnb owners hiring a co-host it is a good way to make more long term connections to have more customers who may wish to use your home as an Airbnb during that guests stay in that city where the home of that Airbnb is sourced from.

This helps your business and you in turn to receive a greater investment when you are showing record numbers in how well of business you achieved through your outreach in this service. As for the other forms of investments regarding the market level of trading or day trading! You can always deposit the earning you get from passive income or active income and use your acquired assets to make possible trades in the market. You can always sign up with a brokerage social media account. And you can sign up to many broker accounts that are used for trading in the stock market online. Broker accounts like Pocket Options, Race Options, Etoro, Webull, Coinbase, Kucoin, the Gemini Trading broker account, and for most beginning traders they would rely on Robinhood. And to perform the tasks of binary trading options. Be sure to research and understand and seek out help from others who can also help you learn this area of stock market.

 In the advancement of where the market has grown to we have went from physical market trading, to digital market trading, to now crypto trading and there is a new trading that is beneficial to get more crypto and that is powered by the engineering of NFTs. As NFTs are still new the best way to be informed about NFTS is to join a DISCORD that shows a community working on projects that are for the creation of making more NFTS. What are NFTs? An NFTs is a Non-fungible token. They are tokens that hold as digital world assets recognized as music and art and rare merchandize, that can be purchased and sold like any piece of property. There are no tangible form to its making.

  They are not a true solid investment however the process of this growth to making millions is still possible at such a minimum rate and effort. NFTs can be useful as tools that leverage the utility of blockchains. The digital tokens can be acknowledged as certificates of ownership through a virtual or physical assets. Once you begin to understand the language in that community and their goals and their projects you have the choice to join projects that could be beneficial to your wealth and ownership of that NFT especially when you mint and then sell them. You can enter to join to make profit on a mask website such as MetaMask for NFTs. It is not requested that you must join a Discord. but you have the choice to join a discord that launches projects between Discord or through Facebook and Twitter keeping members of the metaverse of NFTs to be up to date by making sure users of NFTs are aware of everything about the metaverse of NFTs. Before you fully are sure on what you wish to join and make profit from. So far a profitable YouTuber in the NFTs space that is on the know how of things for NFTs and projects and fully considerable to expand upon would be the NFTs success Brett Malinowski. You can find his discord on his YouTube Channel and touch up on a lot of needed information on NFTs and you can visit his Twitter account for additional information regarding sourcing out NFTs projects that he helps members of this feature through Discord to process access into the progression of making profit with NFTs. The news around this kind of  information is still relatively new focus on learning everything as it continues to progress with society. Take the steps to learn first about NFTs before investing, you never know what this could be and mean for crypto and other forms of trading going forward.

 With that in mind the continuation of Alt Coins and other properties all continue to connect back through the market as a trade when we look at it that way we can identify it as a process to be consider as all is one and one is all. This will eventually become a systematic process to begin the format you need to acquire the understanding and the focus you will have to objectively follow through on the kinds of effort you put into the stock market. As an investor, a day trader, or when you make the choice to become a finical advisor. As for successful investments you must read just about anything. Fulfill your mind and be open to all possibilities.  It is best to learn how to make possible trades at the lowest value in the belief that your investment will expand overtime enriching all those who acquired that value at the earliest of its time before the volume of that investment spikes or declines. Whether if it was bullish for awhile and then it arrives to be bearish determines what your next calculated move will be as the investor. Learn how to begin trading through penny stock investments this will prepare you to have control when you feel like you are missing out we call this the FOMO. A lot of people underwent this experience during the summer of 2021 over the BTC and other alt coin known as Dogecoin. A lot of people where still discouraged from the bearish downfall of Dogecoin unfortunately due to the mass media promotion of Dogecoin back in the Saturday Night Live session with Elon Musk. As it seems ETH and other alt coins connected to ethererum and Bitcoin have continued to market bullish results pretty well even to this point in time. Overall you will begin to understand risk management and to prepare yourself for other forms of trading and investing. Investing in crypto’s between nations, or investing upon real estate between business, housings, are multiple ways that can be accessed and achieved from the comfort of your own home is ideal trading.

When using broker accounts that provide access to trading. There are other ways to trade up in the market in online trading sites like Fundrise help to diverse real estate into your investments giving the ability to the trade to trade almost anywhere.

The best way to invest is to learn everything you possibly can as an investor for all avenues in which you may choose to put your money into for your investments. You must be willing to be determined to be committed and have many ways to create more chances to have more access to making more money. 

Doing stocks and trading is not just a hobby it is a business and it becomes your job when you apply yourself to do more than just trade.

You can actually learn more on the investments you are trading in on about by doing your own research on all the trades you may choose to make. Also remember this is not gambling this is your money, your choices are you own calls to make. And it is your choice to put your money where your mouth is because this is money you sometimes won’t get back. Remember to sell when you need to sell, if you choose to hold your profit in your investment, no one holding your hand to make you to continue holding that investment. That is all on your decision to wait it out with your objectivity to believe that you will get back a profit on your returned investment. As for me this is not financial advise this is my experience and what I have come to learn is that if I want to be a better trader I must familiarize myself with all possible access to do all kinds of possible investments and trades. And I must understand the business of what I am investing my money into in order to consolidate a possible long term commitment to that value for the sole purpose to obtain profit of that possible reliable trade.

You can apply yourself to get more out of those investments when you study how to get more out of trades. The best format to begin that process would be forex trading. Studying the process of the Technological Analysis and then reading and learning from others to practice on demo broker accounts with the potential obtained information. Will prepare you on how to trade with objectivity and without emotions. You will study the tables the charts and rely on indicators that would provide the trader the confidence on what trades to call. Going from my blog I am only giving you a percentage of what this trading world could be like for you as the potential trader and when you do your own research to apply yourself as a day trader. But in a whole as you will begin to understand this world of trading it is connected to everything we do. Like the Anime called Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood in the idea of equivalent  exchange. All is one and one is all when you understand that notation in day trading and properties of what and how you may choose to make the right calls in what you wish to invest in.

Then you too will be a good full metal crypto trading alchemist. I always wanted to say it that way but let just pretend that’s how it would feel like if there was more to the understanding to this focus through a supernatural level of the dynamic compression comprehension of this vibe to this feeling as a day trader and a fan of that anime. But you’ll get the idea when you finally realize how relatable the idea of this all actually really is. In fact for me watching that anime gave me the idea to believe I need to be an investor.

 And that especially goes to the concept of the everyday life of the growing Gross National Product that is the economic statistic of that following nation and it will include the GDP. Follow up upon the circumstances of a community, the news, and the politics and if there are holidays. Because those are possible reasons why the market on that day would be more volatile than other days! You are basically venturing into the territory of being entrepreneur and then with that you will become one and you will be in time to become self made boss that works for yourself.

 And then your services for the skills you gained along the way will pay off in how you can help people learn what you know. You may even choose to start a course to train people that will pay you to teach them what you know. So they too can make the right calls in how to enter the market with less effort. This indeed marks that of being a philanthropist. Because you will have the knowledge and the ability to help anyone at the cost of your own choice! As you are someone that can work with anyone based on all the skills you acquired in that area of interest. And that overtime pays off to build and give back to the community through that of donation of profit or your time as a public advocate of that society willing to help. Overall making you self made as you continue to apply this to your everyday life itself.  Especially when you make profit and have begun to see the many changes you can make with your life every time you make the kind of trade you have begun to rely on in how you will do well in trading. It takes discipline, time and a lot of commitment to practice this area of interest to invest. It is your mission to make every day you are working count and be set for you going forward towards the goals you set for yourself in learning how to create a passive income and building upon your requirement to be committed and to stay on your task to work for yourself. All you have to do is learn about it and enhance your knowledge and practice learning the steps processes and information and sources that are realistic in how you can make profit from investing in all possible ways that come from trading stocks and other forms of active and passive income. 

Hang ten, stay safe God Bless.



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